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Christine Arel M.Anaud

Character Design
 Concept Artist
2D Animator

My name is Christine (or you can call me "Pixel") and I'm 18 years old. I mostly do 2D Art and rarely with traditional. I'm an animation student from iAcademy and willing to learn and improve my skills as an animator in the future.

I'm planning to do commissions soon to fulfill and improve more, willing to learn new things and accept criticisms for me to know my mistakes and fix the problem. I can manage my time with my work especially if under pressure.

I'm a hardworking person and would appreciate it more to be accepted in a company that would accept what I can offer.


Artist Statement

My work revolves around characters, emotions, and colors.

Most of my artworks are mostly fan arts from different shows,movies and games. It started with the companies, Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, and Walt Disney, Riot Games and lastly Anime. When I was little I used to watch cartoons and anime early in the morning and seeing the different characters and colors made me realized that I,too, can create something new by myself. I use light colors if the mood is good and dark for the opposite. For the video game part, my cousin introduced to playing different kinds of games that made me realize new things like backgrounds and new characters that made me more imaginative. The different styles and presentation of each being that shows the emotions and atmospheric understanding. 

I started drawing when I was little and its because of my sister that made me pursue my love and passion for drawing. At first my art was really rough and I don't know any basic knowledge of drawing so I tried learning on my own. After years had passed, my skills in drawing improved a lot. I learned how to have a light hand for sketching a character and cleaning the lines by doing lineart. Other artist's work influenced me because of how they make their own art and others being influenced by my drawing inspires me more. I started animating  years ago by using a small gadget that can create animations. The pixelated style was a challenge for me because I'm use to draw with clean brush strokes rather than bitly style. But it didn't stop me there to keep doing what I love because I am an artist.

For me, being an artist means that you show your love and passion for art in any forms, showing your creativity and spreading your works to everyone so that they too can appreciate art and show the importance to it. Anyone can be an inspiration as long as you use that inspiration for good use. Never give up and keep doing what you love.




I consider myself as an artist now but not before. Years ago when I was still a young child I used to play outside and look around my surroundings. I adore trees, bird sounds, and lastly the children’s happy voice of playing their outdoor games. I lately experienced those fun times when my parents realized that I too should experience my childhood as well. I learned how to socialize with other people, learn new things about life and learn theirs as well. It’s fun to realize that there are so many things that we still don’t know yet when we’re still kids. I learned how to improve my drawings because the moment I saw my sister started to draw, that’s the time that I realized that I can draw as well. I tried my best to draw everyday even if the lines are still rough and hard. And the moment when technology is already rising, that’s the time I learned how to improve online by using the internet. But I realized that I was isolating myself too much because I have my gadgets which is a bad thing for me. I couldn’t improve myself to interact with others because technology pulled me away from them. Even though technology is still rising I still find a way to use technology in good use. I interact to people online and improve my skills by talking to other artists. Years had passed and I learned how to improve myself and as one of the future animators that will represent our country, I need to show the young audience that it’s not too late to experience childhood even if technology is taking over.


In the Philippines one of our social issues that I often see is “over use of gadgets” that mostly the users are young children. It makes me sad that those children couldn’t experience what other children would have wanted to experience which is childhood. As an artist and an animator, I will use my skills to make a short animation that tackles this social issue so that the children can realize and understand the cause of their interaction to other people. I will use my skills to show the good morals that they can learn and apply it on their own to improve theirselves. Letting the youth to realize that it is not too late to change. Making posters, short comics, or maybe brochures so that anyone can spread the news and bring hope to the country. And since technology is rising, maybe adding some short commercials so it can be broadcast to the whole world. Making new characters that is related to the social issue and make a super hero so that children will idolized the hero that I created and bring awareness to everyone. Hoping that one day that this social issue will be lessen in the near future.

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